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COVID-19: Time to reflect Free Article IASZAHID

The Pandemic of COVID-19 has brought the world on its knees. Everything has come to stand-still and economy is also col-lapsing so fast. We don’t know where it may end but for sure it is pushing the world into deep reces-sion. Everycountry is struggling very hard to contain the situation but so far there is no significant break-through to curb its spread. At this critical point of time, our safety matters the most. It’s high time for us to adhere to advisories and act responsibly. What cannot be cured must be endured. In these challenging times, staying at home, is the safest option but it might not go well with those  who suffer from economical or emotional issues.When our loved ones are by our side, the stiletto moments of life look so trivial. Nothing could beat or bother us.We could face death or diseases dauntingly. Those were the best days of life when our families were extremely close-knit. There was so much of warmth. We stayed together to deal with any appalling situation or to teach a lesson to someone who picked up a fight with us.That social structure defined our strength. There was so much of fun, love and respect in those social circles. All occasions were cherished together and all adversities were confronted with resilience and unity.Unfortunately joint families rarely exist now.We have disintegrated that legacy into nuclear entities and debased our values. Gone were the days, when we cared so much 
for others but now we hold our self 
interests above everything. We value only those concerns which serve our 
motives and don’t give a damn about 
other things.
Due to covid-19 lockdown, we couldn’t help but have to stay inside for the greater good of the society. It might be the right opportunity for the workaholics to relax and rejuvenate themselves.It’s appropriate time for them to reconnect with their families but do you think it’s going to be that easy for all those who have to deal with the obnoxious people. We may keep our selves busy in doing, exercise, cooking,teaching kids, watch-
ing Ertugul but still there are toxic people who will manipulate and grind 
us down. Imagine when it’s a daily affair. We have to overcome the sick feeling and maintain a respectful social distance.The idle pleasure means there will be a lot of drama. The more it will 
prolong the more intolerable it will become.How frustrating it can be for a working class to stay at home and get nudged into ‘Saas Bahu’ scuffles.All those snide remarks and gossips of others are unbearable.They will never stop harboring their contempt which is more dangerous than covid 19. They spit poison everywhere. It doesn’t come as a surprise when they ditch us and turn opportunists. For sure, our quietsome time will turn into quarrelsome. More than covid scare we will be consumed up by our own emotions and expectations.We have to rise above our differences and strivefor the peace.How can we be happy when we carry so much of emotional baggage and expect people are going to be nice with us. Let’s try to ease off our burden

Pray and Prosper

The whole world is going through a tough phase. Only Allah can save us from this catastrophe. We are learning our lessons from these crises. The sooner the better is to be on the spiritual journey. The righteous deeds can lead us to the salvation. In Allah’s emembrance and treating people with dignity lies our peace and prosperity.

Give up the Story

When we complain about others we actually get engaged in pity parties.Infact we try to drag the listeners in an emotional spiral.The more we talk about the negative experiences, the more we get attached to the callous behavior.We have to stop wallowing in sorrows. Talking about others is more like digging our heels in disgrace and discomfort.When we put an end to our stories, there will be an end to the self - loathing.Don’t expose your ButtonsWhen we depend on others for the emotional support, we infact hand over the keys of our affairs to them. We expose our weak areas and in the long run let them play with our emotions.And there comes a time, when they take us for granted. So it’s better to be independent and fight our own battles than feeling miserable before others.

Respect Others

We need to create invisible conver-sation boundaries. We have to respect our friends as well as foes, so that we can never give anyone a chance to passback-end comments about us.Respect is a give and take process. Our one pos-itive move can make a lot of difference
Act out of Love

If you want to defeat your enemies, nothing is more powerful than killing them by your generosity. There is no match to kindness. No matter how grave the situation will be, we should n’t stopdoing good and be humble.These are the basics to rise over the toxic people and can safeguard you from the future harms.The trick is to stick to your guns and don’t giveothers enough space and freedom to get you sucked into their mix.

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