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Vision IAS Test Series General studies Free PDF UPSC IAS

Q 1.D
 Resolutions on all the four issues were passed in the 1906 Congress session, and also swaraj was
announced as the aim.
 The Calcutta session of 1906 was a conciliation attempt for both the factions (moderates and extremists).
It was presided by Dadabhai Naoroji which had unanimous respect from both factions. The first great
public clash between the two parties took place in the 1906 session of the Congress at Calcutta. The
Extremists, though still a minority, succeeded under the leadership of Tilak in imposing part of their
political programme on the Congress.
 Congress consisting of both Moderates and Nationalists unanimously resolved to have for its goal Swaraj
or Self-government and Swadeshi, Boycott and National Education as the effective means for realising it.
 The Moderates at the time did not raise any dissentient voice but they seem to have felt that their position
was somewhat compromised by these resolutions; and they had since then, been looking forward to an
opportunity when they might return to their old position regarding ideals and methods of political progress
in India. Four compromise resolutions on the Swadeshi, Boycott, National Education, and Self-
Government demands were passed.
 The major bone of contention was the Extremist demand to extend boycott in both severities and extend it
throughout India. While the moderates wanted to limit boycott only till Bengal and with less severity.
Throughout 1907 the two sides fought over differing interpretations of the resolutions.
 Moderates did not want to be tagged as radical. They also toned down the resolution in a compromised
state and made it ―self-government means that obtaining the self-governing British Colonies―. Thus the
whole meaning of Swaraj of the extremists was changed. The extremists felt cheated and the difference
became apparent. Congress was now bound to split, which actually happened next year in Surat.
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