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3rd Sem Education N0tes Free PDF Kashmir University

3rd Sem Education Nptes Free PDF Kashmir University


Q1 What is Philosophy? Its relation with Religion?
Philosophy is the love of wisdom or love of truth,love of knowledge or pursuit of truth. Philosophy in
 a way is a systematized knowledge of the universe, the man, God, truth etc. The word philosophy has been derived from two Greek words Philos [love] and Sophia (wisdom) According to fitche “
Philosophy is the science of knowledge”. According to windalband Philosophy is” the critical science of universal values. “Herbert Spencer says that Philosophy is concerned with everything as a
universal science”. Roy wood sellers “our subjects is the collection of sciences, such as theory of
knowledge logic, Cosmology, ethics as well as a unified survey. Socrates was of the opinion that “Philosophy is a daily activity”.
Relation between philosophy and religion: Before any relationship between philosophy and Religion,one must known what is religion and what is philosophy ? The word religious is made up of two words “Re”and “Ligare Re” means again and “Ligar” means bind In this sense religion means to bind again. The question is what it has to bind again. The answer is that it has to bind the creation with creator. Religion cements the bond between man and God. Philosophy is knowledge or pursuit of truth. The word philosophy and religion differs in different ways. They differ in effects, activities, methods, attitudes, problems, aims and conclusions. But they are interdepended to each other. The complementary nature of both can be shown as following: (1) Philosophy examines the basic of the beliefs upon which religion is founded. It examine all the basic of beliefs of religion and determines as whose foundations are firm and secure.

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