IAS exam is not the toughest exam. Toughest exam is for the post of peons in Uttar Pradesh.
23 lakh apply for 368 peon posts in Uttar Pradesh .
The ratio in IAS is just of 3.5 lakh trying for 1000 posts. So it is more difficult to be a peon than to be an IAS.
Anyways that is not my point. My point is all of us are both very lucky and unlucky to be born in post 1980 era.
Lucky because thanks to the economic growth and expansion of middle class in last few decades many of us have decent family backing and can aspire for bigger things in life. In our parents generation, for a majority of population getting a steady average paying job was the ultimate aim and not many people were daring enough to go for something like IAS or were even aware about it. But now with good economic resources at disposal and availability of information via internet, IAS is not a ‘heaven born’ service anymore. It seems very much earthly and very much within reach of anyone who is ready to put in hard work.
But why are we unlucky? Because we happen to be born at the time of demographic bulge when percentage population of young people is highest than it has ever been in the history of this country. This moment of the so called “demographic dividend” only comes ones in normal life cycle of country where there is sudden outburst of young able bodied persons who are willing to take a paid job.
So you are unlucky to be searching for job in this era when there are 12 million individuals entering in the job market every year and looking for jobs. So not just IAS but each and every resource in this country is facing a scarcity with respect to the demand and scarcity creates competition.
And since IAS obviously has all the perks of a stable and respectable job along with authority and social recognition, it is no surprise that there is high competition for it. With more and more people willing to invest in education and gaining awareness about career avenues the competition is bound to increase everywhere.
So buckle up friends, we are heading for the true Darwinian dream of cut-throat competition and “Survival of the fittest”.
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